SHOPFLOOR Privacy Policy and Service Agreement

所有进入shopfloor软件的用户,在使用和接受shopfloor提供的任务服务前,请事先认真阅读并同意本服务协议和隐私政策。 shopfloor深知个人信息对您的重要性,我们也将尊重并保护所有使用服务用户的个人隐私权。为了给您提供更准确、更专业的服务,shopfloor会按照隐私权政策的服务条款,坚守原则保障您的个人信息。shopfloor有权对用户提供的信息在协议规定范围内进行查看、处理和使用。随着服务的变化,我们也将对隐私政策条款不时进行修改且不再另行通知。您在同意shopfloor服务使用协议之时,即视为您已经同意本隐私权政策全部内容。本隐私权政策属于shopfloor服务使用协议不可分割的一部分。
All users who enter the shopfloor software, please carefully read and agree to this service agreement and privacy policy before using and accepting the task services provided by shopfloor. shopfloor is fully aware of the importance of personal information to you, and we will respect and protect the personal privacy of all users who use the service. In order to provide you with more accurate and professional services, shopfloor will adhere to the principle of protecting your personal information in accordance with the terms of service of the privacy policy. shopfloor has the right to view, process and use the information provided by the user within the scope of the agreement. As services change, we will also revise the terms of the Privacy Policy from time to time without prior notice. When you agree to the shopfloor service use agreement, you are deemed to have agreed to the entire content of this privacy policy. This privacy policy is an integral part of the shopfloor service usage agreement.
1. 信息收集
1. Information collection
In order to provide services to you, shopfloor equipment management may collect, save and use the following information related to you from you. If you do not provide the relevant information, we will not be able to provide you with corresponding products or services. The content of this information is as follows:
(1) 访问大致位置信息(使用网络进行定位)
(1) Access to approximate location information (location using the network)
This application accesses your location information for the convenience of your business management needs.
(2) 录制音频
(2) Record audio
This application provides the function of recording audio and video, which is convenient for uploading and submitting work content. This function requires your consent to obtain the permission to record audio. If you do not agree, you will not be able to upload and submit audio.
(3) 拨打电话
(3)make a phone call
This application provides the function of making calls, which is convenient for work contact. This function requires your consent to obtain the permission to make calls. If you do not agree, you will not be able to make calls.
(4). Modify or delete the contents of the memory card
The content of the recalled memory card is obtained through the camera function of this application. In order to facilitate you to better adapt to this system, we support you to modify or delete the picture and video content in the memory card in the system.
(5).访问确切位置信息(使用 GPS 和网络进行定位)
(5).Access exact location information (using GPS and network for positioning)
This application accesses your location information for the convenience of your business management needs.
This application provides the function of scanning the code to take pictures, which is convenient for you to enter your login information. This function requires your consent to obtain camera permissions. If you do not agree, you will not be able to open the camera to take pictures and upload.
(7). Read the contents of the memory card
This application provides uploading video and picture services. When you use this function, we will read the content of your memory card, so that you can upload pictures and videos needed for your work.
(8). Read call status and mobile network information
When you use this app to make calls, in order to facilitate the normal operation of the system, we will read the current network status and call status to ensure the normal operation of the system and provide users with better services.
(9). Modify system settings
This application provides photo uploading to describe the work content. This permission is set by you by modifying the system settings to allow this application to use the photo uploading function.
(10). Obtain IMEI and MAC
During the operation of our system application, we need to obtain the unique identification code of your device to provide statistical analysis services for enterprises, and improve performance and user experience through application startup data and abnormal error log analysis to provide users with better services.
2. SDK集成说明
2. SDK integration instructions
This app integrates a push service, and the main users are convenient for users to receive message notifications.
Our news push is provided by Google or Baidu. When we push information to you, we will authorize your device brand, identification code and other information to pass to a third party for link adjustment, and promote each other to be closed. The SDK push process is used to ensure that you can receive the messages we want you to push in time.
Non-personal privacy information refers to the basic record information clearly and objectively recorded on the shopfloor server, such as the user's operation status, device information and usage habits when using shopfloor, and other general information beyond the scope of personal privacy information.
3. 信息披露
3. Information disclosure
shopfloor may disclose information in the following circumstances:
(1) When used in the manner agreed in this agreement.
(2) Obtain your express authorization in advance.
(3) In accordance with the relevant provisions of the law, or the requirements of the administrative or judicial institutions, disclose to third parties or administrative or judicial institutions.
(4) If you violate relevant Chinese laws or website policies, you need to disclose it to a third party.
(5) In order to improve website services, it is necessary to disclose to third parties without violating laws and government policies.
(6) On the premise of not violating laws and government policies, shopfloor may cooperate with third parties to provide you with relevant services so that the integrity and scientific nature of the services can be guaranteed. The three parties agree to assume the same responsibility as shopfloor to protect user privacy, then shopfloor can provide your registration information to the third party.
(7) If we or our affiliates are involved in transactions such as mergers, divisions, liquidations, acquisitions or sales of assets or businesses, and your personal information may be transferred as part of such transactions, we will ensure that such information is stored in the Confidentiality at the time of transfer and try to ensure that you continue to be bound by other privacy policies after the transfer.
(8) Other disclosures deemed appropriate and not prohibited by law.
(9) Please note that all personal information you provide when using our products or services will continue to authorize us during your use of our products and/or services unless you delete or refuse our collection through system settings use.
4. Information preservation and protection
shopfloor follows the national network security level protection system, fulfills the corresponding security protection obligations, avoids corresponding interference, destruction or unauthorized access to the network, prevents user information from being leaked, stolen, or tampered with, and keeps your personal information safe and secure.
Your personal information is stored within the territory of the People's Republic of China. If it needs to be provided overseas due to business needs, shopfloor will conduct a security assessment of your personal information and obtain your authorization and consent separately.
5. 信息安全
5. Information Security
In the event of a personal information security incident, shopfloor will investigate and evaluate the security incident in accordance with the requirements of relevant laws and regulations, and promptly inform you of the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, the measures we have taken or will take, and your options. Advice on self-prevention and mitigation of risks, remedies for you, etc. We will promptly inform you of the relevant information of the event through on-site notifications, text messages, phone calls, emails and other contact methods. When it is difficult to inform you one by one, we will make announcements in a reasonable and effective way.
When you use shopfloor, please do not publicly disclose your various accounts and corresponding passwords and other important information, and only provide it to others when necessary, otherwise you will be responsible for the loss caused by it. If you find that your personal information is leaked, shopfloor will take active measures to protect your registration information, but shopfloor will not be held responsible for the leakage of your information caused by factors beyond the control of shopfloor.
Thank you for your trust and use of shopfloor products and services!
T.I.G. Software Technology (ShenZhen) Co.,Ltd

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